When you finance a vehicle near Phoenix, you may decide to purchase gap insurance. While gap insurance isn’t a requirement like liability coverage, it can help to protect you in the event of a collision. However, since gap insurance only protects you in the event that you’re underwater, you might be able to secure a gap insurance refund if and when you no longer owe more than your vehicle is really worth!
Before we show you how gap insurance refunds work, it makes sense to cover the basics:
The price of gap insurance is based on a variety of factors, but if you’re curious about gap insurance refunds, the most important factors to keep in mind are the expected length of your loan and the rate at which you can pay down the balance. So, how does a gap insurance refund work? Here’s what you should know before you get started:
Generally, it’s only possible to cancel a gap insurance plan–and get a partial refund–within 30 days of your purchase. Here’s when that might be possible:
The most common gap insurance refunds are those that become available if your loan balance has been paid off! Here’s when that might be the case:
Not filing a gap insurance claim is not, in itself, enough to entitle you to a refund. But if you can show that you paid off your loan ahead of schedule, you might get some money back.
When you reach out to your gap insurance provider to ask about a refund, be sure to have the following information on hand:
Here at Rocky’s Auto Credit, we’re ready to answer any and all of your auto financing and insurance questions. If you’re planning to purchase a vehicle from our dealership, don’t hesitate to reach out to our financing team before you drive in from Glendale or Tempe.